Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion

Andrew Fountain
Sun, 2020-07-05
  • John is very selective, but this is because he is very focused in the unique way he wants us to relate to Jesus as he suffers and dies on the cross, a way that we miss if we don’t follow his references
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Sermon Outline - Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion


To see how John is showing us how to make a personal connection with this story that is life-changing.


  1. Jesus was calmly in control: the king
  2. Link with Psalm 22
  3. The New Creation

Structure of John

”Book of Signs”
”Book of Glory”

John 13–21 “Book of Glory”

13 A meal with the disciples

14–17 New Teaching
      from Jesus
to the disciples
18–20 Arrest

21 A meal with the disciples

Last time (John 19—Pilate)

  • By taking us in and out seven times with Pilate,
    We are forced us to walk in Pilate’s shoes
  • He is caught between two forces, two choices
  • The passage makes us think about the pressures in our own lives when making choices
  • There is a risk in standing with Jesus
  • Is Jesus really your King, Is Jesus really your Truth?

1. Amid the horror, Jesus was calmly in control

A. Crucified

B. What Pilate Wrote

John 19

  1. So Pilate said, “Do you refuse to speak to me?
    Don’t you know I have the authority to release you, and to crucify you?”
  2. Jesus replied, “You would have no authority over me at all, unless it was given to you from above.
  • The reason John includes it:
  • Amid the horror, Jesus was calmly in control
  • We are not to read this story like a horrific tragedy, but as the victory of the king!
  • It is the title John has set over this story!

King of the Jews

King of the Jews

Image source: “Andrew Fountain”

C. The Soldiers dividing his clothes

D. The Four Women

E. It is finished (or accomplished)


  1. Jesus was calmly in control
    • All happened exactly as he wanted - he was king
  2. Link with Psalm 22
  3. The New Creation

2. Link with Psalm 22

When we go through horrific situations

  • Jesus can say, I have been through what you are going through
  • I have won the battle
  • I am with you right now—rest calmly in my victory

John’s Purpose

  • This, I believe, is the main reason why John has done these two things:
  • 1. Linked Jesus’s story to David’s out of control anxiety and terror
  • 2. Shown us a Jesus who is the King—calm and victorious—In similar circumstances
  • Rest in Jesus, he is your victory!

The Faith that Saves

  • This needy and clinging trust is what Jesus uses to connect with us and walk with us
  • He gives us his victory. As he walks with us, and calms our fears, we join him in his victory over darkness on the cross

3. The New Creation

Undoing The Old Creation Existence

  1. Achieved his purpose as King
  2. Need for clothes, or any posessions
  3. Birth from a mother
  4. The old body itself
  • Resurrection with a New Creation body


  • Do not be afraid of death, or catastrophe, or any kind of evil
  • Have a clinging trust in Jesus and he will join to you and walk with you.
  • There is nothing that you can suffer than he has not defeated.
  • He gives us his victory. As he walks with us, and calms our fears, we join him in his victory on the cross over darkness.
  • Spoiler for the next chapter:
    Things get better—you can start enjoying the New Creation right now!

Updated on 2020-07-05 by Andrew Fountain